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Beyond organising networking opportunities for members, ANZMEX champions a range of initiatives aimed at facilitating commerce between Australia and Mexico. 


The Chamber is currently focused on several initiatives:

  • In the process of signing a Collaboration agreement with UNAM (Mexico)

  • Promoting the construction of the First Synchrotron in Mexico

  • Organising a Film Festival in Mexico (Yucatan/ Quintana Roo) to showcase the best of Australian Films in Mexico and the best of Mexican films in Australia

  • Maximising the opportunities derived from the ratification of the TPP-11

  • Organising the next Mexfest event for September 2019

  • Creating a four Mexican chamber of commerce alliance (CONAMEXT) with our peers in France, England, Italy and the UK.

  • Searching for a more permanent office base for ANZMEX Australia


Supporting initiatives to have direct flights between Australia and Mexico:


  • Acting as a catalyst to accelerate trade between two countries

  • Substantially reducing the cost of trade

  • Facilitating an increasing traffic of business information

  • Promoting  mutual cultural understanding via increased and more frequent tourism


Promoting and teaching of Spanish as a community language in Australia and English as a second language in Mexico


  • Spanish as a National Priority language in Australia

  • Lowering the IELTS and TOEFL entry score (20%) to educational organisations in Australia by creating the possibility to gain language skills and filling the language gap of potential Mexican students.

  • Facilitating access to Mexican students to study English in Australia and/or any other organisation in Mexico linked with Australia.


Developing strategies to maximise human and cultural capital in Australia and Mexico to promote trade and economic links between both countries.

© 2019 by ANZMEX

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